
Preference not fetish

myownway wrote:
well, I see it this way. I don't get aroused by fat itself and not everyone who's fat or is getting fat is attractive to me. I think that makes it quite clear that it is a preference in my case. I guess that's a nice way of checking this is someone is not sure, whether it's a fetish of preference for him.

There is definetly a difference between having a preference for bigger women or men and having a feederism fetish or fat fetish
but if you have the latter, it still doesnt mean every fat woman is attractive to you
I mean thats sort of like saying that a shoe fetish that doesnt like every shoe just has a preference ?
12 years

Preference not fetish

As long as you enjoy it I don't think it really matters either way! though i think it would become more socially acceptable if more people saw it as a preference than a fetish. Not everyone likes the idea of having a fetish as it has the unintended context linked with being perverted. Liking bigger/being bigger people is not wrong!
12 years

Preference not fetish

Oddity wrote:
Feederism is a fetish.
Liking fat folks is a preference.

Just my opinion.

12 years

Preference not fetish

These are all paraphilias, if you want to be precise.
12 years

Preference not fetish

I think geekybibabe describes it really well, but I also agree with justanotherfa when he says it more than a preference. I also tend to call it an orientation, because "preference" to me means that you prefer big women, but could as well be with a skinny woman. I have a preference for women with dark hair and dark eyes, but my ex was blonde. I didn't find her any less attractive for that.

Fetish or not, for me it is just a label. What matters is how you are as a person and deal with it. No matter how sexy a person is to me, she is a person, not a big belly or a set of soft curves.
12 years

Preference not fetish

I think pretty much every post has valid points and some posts are quite articulate and dead on!

Here are some of my thoughts and feelings on the topic which I am not even sure I can pin point the exact answers to:

My ideal, aesthetically in a woman would be very pretty facially and be considered by most men as beautiful but fat. For lack of a better description "an ex-cheerleader that has gained 100+ Lbs."

That is not to say a thinner woman can not catch my eye or that I find a model type unattractive but I certainly would love to see them gain weight and more times than not a lot of weight. Furthermore I might see a women I am not attracted to overall but very much appreciate her extra large butt or hips, big belly, Breasts or other particular body parts simply because they are fat and juicy. "So I feel this is my taste or preference with a twist of fat appreciation."

I also am very much turned on by weight gain. Ranging from the actress who has been starting to put on a few Lbs. and the tabloids have bikini pics of her all the way to the very large woman that gets very big 400+ Lbs. I do however have different times where I appreciate higher ends of weight gain versus other times such as just mild gains. This is the confusing part for me to even make sense out of. At the mild end of weight gain I almost consider this to be a preference but there are certainly times where I get way more into the weight gain and crave to see very large gains. During these times I dream of my wife gaining to way heavier weights than I could ever see her actually coming close to and how her figure would look that big and fat. I consider this to be a fetish for sure and the reason I say that is because of percentages. If There were a certain number of men polled to see if they thought my wife looks better at 170 Lbs. at 5' 3" currently or at 270 Lbs. I think I may be the only one to be in awe in a positive way of the 270 Lb. beauty. "This definitely makes me strange and diffrent from mainstream society for sure." Thats not to even mention I would also be very fixated or turned on by looking at the before and after differences like most of us into weight gain!

Then there is the next item which I truley consider different and purely a fetish. In fact it's what us FA's and weight gain people truley consider the triple crown at least I do. When the one you love not only gains weight. Intentionally or unintentionally its all good. But discussing it with you, role playing or teasing you with their gaining. It brings everything all together talking about weight gain. Even the modest gains my wife has had make me go completely erotic when she starts discussing how she can't fit into any of her clothes or she complains how fat she is getting while she continues to have a second dessert after a huge dinner. The unintentional gaining is probably even sexier to me regarding my wife, I just love it when she has been gaining weight and continues to eat almost as if she is in denial and continues to gain. My alltime favorite is when she has gained a good amount of weight and she makes efforts to try and diet or reduce her eating portions and she does not succeed and gives up effort usually she tries to not to let me know but I clearly see her diet attempts. While she is eating straight from the carton of icecream on the couch or pigging out on something she will say "are you ready to have a big fat wife?" She know's how much that would turn me on and it is almost to say to heck with all this hard work with her failed diet attempts. She generally loses most of of her gained weight in time. This to me is certainly a Fetish and in fact I don't even think my wife know's exactly how in depth I would like to talk about her gaining or she probably does not envision how fat I would love for her to become. So this makes me feel kind of strange. If she thought I would love to see her gain 100 Lbs. she would clearly think I am crazy. I believe she thinks 20-30 Lbs. more would be what I am talking about and she thinks I am definitely weird for that already.

"It's a tough world for us FA's / weight gain guys who are married to a beautiful woman that does not want to gain and fights what gaining they could easily do naturally even though they know we love them bigger" Not trying to be selfish just letting the other side of things out!
12 years